You Have the Right to Keep a Secret Love Chapters List

Chapter 35: Let’s Give It a Shot!

On the way, Qi Xi learned that the green-haired young man’s full name was Wu Kangqiang. He and his older brother, Wu Jianqiang, didn’t live far away. After a ten-minute walk, Qi Xi and Gu Yan were led to a cramped, shared rental in an urban village.

The room was sparsely furnished, the living environment visibly poor. Wu Kangqiang looked a bit embarrassed. "It's a bit messy. Wait a moment while I get the evidence."

Although he dressed like a young hoodlum, judging from the anxiety and worry on his face when he mentioned his brother, he seemed genuinely kind.

Perhaps afraid that Qi Xi and Gu Yan might have reservations, he quickly explained, "Don't worry, I won't do anything. My tattoos are fake, and I dyed my hair this way for self-defense. I wanted a color that wouldn't attract trouble, but I messed up and ended up with green."

Wu Kangqiang added, a little sheepishly, "The people who live here are a mixed bag, and with my brother's situation… If I don't look intimidating, it's easy to get robbed or stolen from. But I'm not really a bad guy, don't be afraid…"

Unfortunately, his explanation was ruthlessly interrupted by Gu Yan. The man looked at Wu Kangqiang with an impassive expression. "It doesn't matter if you're bad." Gu Yan said, unconcerned for the young man's pride. "You're no match for me anyway."


Wu Kangqiang's face contorted into a grimace. However, Gu Yan was telling the truth, and he had no way to refute it. He opened his mouth, but in the end, he didn't say anything. He turned and went back into the room, returning a moment later with a large pile of documents. "It's all here."

He put down the materials and said shyly, "I'll go check on my brother. You can look through these first. Just call me if you need anything."

After Wu Kangqiang left, Qi Xi and Gu Yan wasted no time. They tacitly divided the work and began to examine the documents. However, the more Qi Xi read, the more her brow furrowed. She glanced at Gu Yan and found that he wore the same expression.

After scanning all the materials, the two looked at each other. Without a word, they could see the same answer in each other's eyes – what Wu Kangqiang called evidence wasn't admissible in court.

"This work ID only has Wu Jianqiang's photo and a number on it. There's no company name, let alone any official seal or anything that would make it legally binding."

"These so-called clock-in records only have Wu Jianqiang's signature. The supervisor's signature section is completely blank…"

Qi Xi looked at the documents with a headache. "This is not enough to prove the existence of a labor relationship. Without that, the Labor Bureau won't even accept the case. It's impossible to apply for work-related injury compensation."

Gu Yan frowned. "And when applying for work-related injury compensation, the burden of proof lies with the claimant. Wu Jianqiang needs to prove all of this himself."

When they told this to Wu Kangqiang, who had just emerged from Wu Jianqiang's room, his face was etched with despair, pain, and helplessness. "So, there's nothing we can do…"

Although Wu Kangqiang was hurting, he was trying hard to control his emotions. His eyes were red as he looked back at the door. "If it weren't for this accident, my brother wouldn't be like this, and we wouldn't have encountered that lawyer who swindled all our money…"

He was still a child, after all. Wu Kangqiang couldn't help but wipe away the tears that welled up in his eyes. "When we met that swindler lawyer, not only did we lose all the money we had scraped together and borrowed, but my brother's hand got worse. The hospital said if he didn't have a second surgery soon, he would lose his hand."

Although he looked like he had been hardened by life on the streets, he was still a seventeen-year-old boy. When he spoke of this, his voice choked with sobs. "At that time, all I could think about was how to get the money to save my brother. I didn't pay attention to my mom. I never thought she would do such a foolish thing. In the end, it's all my fault that our family has become like this…"

Gu Yan pursed his lips. "What happened to your mother?"

"My mom heard that there was this thing called accidental death insurance. If you died unexpectedly, they would pay out a lot of money. Less if you were disabled, but if you died, it could be a hundred thousand or two hundred thousand yuan. She wanted to get money for my brother's medical expenses. She thought that if she died, the insurance company would pay us. So, she went and bought this insurance."

At this point, even though Wu Kangqiang hadn't finished, Qi Xi and Gu Yan had a sinking feeling about what happened next.

Their premonition was confirmed when Wu Kangqiang spoke again.

"Then, after my mom bought the insurance, she committed suicide. She didn't want to affect the rent of the landlord, so she didn't want to die in the house. She went and hanged herself from the old tree in front of our old house. Before she died, she called my brother and told him where she put the insurance policy, reminding him to go to the insurance company to get the money."

When Wu Kangqiang reached this point, his emotions spiraled out of control. Although he tried hard to hold back, tears streamed down his face. As if to hide his embarrassment, he shook his head, trying to shake away the tears in his eyes.

He was only seventeen years old, but his voice was already filled with the weight of hardship and cynicism. "But who would have thought? The insurance company said that because she had just bought the insurance, it hadn't officially taken effect yet. It wouldn't be effective for a few more days. So, the insurance didn't apply to her suicide. And they said that accidental death insurance doesn't pay out for all deaths. Even if the insurance had been effective, they wouldn't pay for a suicide like hers. Not only did they not pay, but they also accused us of insurance fraud."

As Wu Kangqiang spoke of his mother, he could no longer hold back his tears. "My mom might have been a simple woman from the countryside, but she lived her life with integrity. She raised us two sons all by herself and never took a dishonest penny. She wasn't trying to commit fraud. She just didn't understand. She was uneducated. She thought that as long as she committed suicide after buying the insurance, it would be legal and the insurance company would have to pay us. She thought it was a life for a sum of money."

"If she knew about insurance fraud, if she had that kind of awareness, why wouldn't she have disguised her suicide as an accident? Why would she be so straightforward, hanging herself without any attempt to hide it? My mom never caused trouble for anyone in her life, never tried to cheat anyone. She just thought that her death could legally bring money for my brother."

The more Wu Kangqiang spoke, the more his pain intensified. "Actually, my brother was right. He was injured and under a lot of pressure. I should have been more concerned about my mom. When she asked me if the insurance would pay out for any kind of death, injury, or disability, I shouldn't have been annoyed and just casually said yes. If I had been more patient and explained it to her, she wouldn't have died. Even if our family was still struggling, at least we would still be together, a family. But now… what's the difference between now and our family being torn apart?"

Qi Xi was aware of the gap between the rich and the poor, but this was the first time she had witnessed someone willing to trade their life for such a small sum of money. She was shocked, and at the same time, felt a deep sense of sadness and impact.

Insurance fraud happened, and people lost their lives for huge payouts. However, all the stories Qi Xi knew were mostly about spouses who had affairs or were in debt. To get rid of their partner or clear their debts, they would buy a huge insurance policy on their partner, kill them, and disguise it as an accident to claim the insurance money.

This was the first time she had heard of someone committing suicide for a meager insurance payout, thinking that the money could save her family.

It turned out that in this world, there were people who would take their own lives for a death benefit of a hundred thousand yuan.

The saddest thing was that this poor mother, because of her poverty, lack of knowledge, lack of education, had become marginalized. She sacrificed her life for a death benefit she could never receive.

When she committed suicide, she must have been full of hope, believing that her death would bring money for her son's treatment. She thought that sacrificing her life for this purpose was meaningful.

But the reality was that her death was worthless. Her great and heroic suicide had become a joke.

Everyone had a strong survival instinct. So how much courage did Wu Kangqiang and Wu Jianqiang's mother have to overcome her instinct when she took her own life?

Yet such great love was vulnerable in the face of reality.

She gave everything and lost everything.

This was the hardship of life for those at the bottom.

Qi Xi looked around the shabby, rented room. The young man with his hair dyed a ridiculous shade of green sat dejectedly, his face stained with dried tears. He looked as if he had been beaten down by life and had long grown accustomed to the sudden blows of misfortune.

"Let me die, let me die! I'm the one who deserves to die! I killed Mom! It's all my fault!"

Just then, Wu Jianqiang's voice came from the room, filled with pain and despair, like a cry for help. The sound of his head banging against the wall echoed through the small, cramped space, piercingly loud.

Wu Kangqiang rushed into the room as if by instinct. "Brother! Don't talk nonsense!"

In his haste, Wu Kangqiang didn't close the door behind him. From where Qi Xi and Gu Yan stood, they could see clearly what was happening inside.

Wu Jianqiang, who had looked menacing and terrifying when he splashed hot water on Qi Xi, now appeared pained and weak. His previous aggression was gone, replaced by dejection and despair. His forehead was red and swollen from where he had been hitting it against the wall. His eyes were vacant and his throat emitted a mournful, desolate groan.

"Kangqiang, if it weren't for me… Mom wouldn't have died. I'm a jinx, an idiot! Why couldn't I be more careful when I was operating that machine?! Why am I so useless? I can't even earn enough money to give you a good life, and now I've messed up like this. I couldn't even take care of Mom for a single day. She had a son like me, only causing her worry. She worked so hard her whole life and never got to enjoy anything…"

Wu Jianqiang's voice choked with sobs, and in the end, this grown man burst into tears, his body wracked with sobs as he continued to bang his head against the wall. "I'm just dragging myself through each day, hoping that I'll die soon. What's the use of me living? I've lost a hand, I can't find a job, and I'm just a burden to you. If I had been capable enough to find a decent job, none of this would have happened. Mom would still be here…"

"Brother! Don't say that! Family doesn't burden each other!" Wu Kangqiang's voice was thick with tears. Perhaps to comfort his brother, or perhaps out of desperation, he blurted out a lie.

He pointed to Qi Xi and Gu Yan at the door. "Brother! Look! They're lawyers, and they said they can help! We can fight for our rights! We'll make those black-hearted factory owners pay! Don't even think about dying! If you die, how can we make them pay? How can we see them get what they deserve?"

His words seemed to have an effect. Wu Jianqiang, who had been on the verge of hysteria, gradually calmed down. He struggled to sit up in bed and stared at Qi Xi and Gu Yan, a glimmer of hope flickering in his eyes. "Lawyers, is it true?"

In that moment, faced with a glimmer of hope in the midst of such despair, Qi Xi couldn't bring herself to utter a refusal.

But the weight of making a promise, of giving them hope, was immense.

Suddenly, Qi Xi felt a surge of hesitation.

"Yes, it's true."

In the end, it was Gu Yan's voice that broke the silence that stretched on, thick with tension and expectation.

His expression was calm, radiating an aura of reassurance and strength. He spoke to Wu Jianqiang in a steady voice, "We will do everything we can. So please, don't give up."

Gu Yan's voice was filled with conviction, carrying the weight of his profession. He was like a reassuring anchor, keeping their ship steady in the vast, stormy sea.

The apprehension and fear that had gripped Qi Xi's heart gradually subsided. Her belief in the legal profession, in her duty as a lawyer to protect the vulnerable, slowly took over.

She nodded firmly at Wu Jianqiang and Wu Kangqiang. "We'll do our best."


After learning more about the details of the work-related injury and discussing some specifics, Qi Xi and Gu Yan bid farewell to Wu Jianqiang and Wu Kangqiang.

Wu Jianqiang apologized for splashing hot water on Qi Xi earlier that day. However, Qi Xi knew that his apology stemmed from the fact that he had attacked an innocent woman. Deep down, he probably still harbored prejudice and distrust towards lawyers. His gaze, when it fell on Qi Xi and Gu Yan, still held a hint of suspicion and unease.

"If I hadn't told him that we could help him apply for legal aid from our firm, that he could have free legal representation, he probably would have thought we were scammers and kicked us out."

Qi Xi let out a breath and glanced at Gu Yan. "But why are you willing to take this case? Because… from the existing evidence, it seems like it will be very difficult to win." Qi Xi confessed, "Actually, I'm also very hesitant. I don't know if taking this case is the right thing to do. Although the case itself isn't complicated, the difficulty lies in gathering evidence. I'm worried I won't be able to do it well…"

She was being honest. This case was too heavy, too significant for the client. She was afraid of failing him, afraid of facing him if they lost. She was also afraid that his unstable emotional state might negatively impact her future career or reputation.

Qi Xi didn't understand why, but around Gu Yan, she felt safe enough to voice these concerns. She lowered her head, feeling a little lost. "Am I a terrible person for always thinking about these selfish things…?"

"No. It's not selfish, it's normal to have these concerns." Gu Yan's voice was calm and steady. "Knowing how to protect yourself is also part of being a good lawyer."

Qi Xi looked up at him. He didn't seem anxious or hesitant at all. Curiosity flickered in her eyes. "Do you have a plan? Are you confident about this case?"

To her surprise, Gu Yan shook his head. "I haven't figured it out yet."

His tone was even. "But I think, just like doctors, many patients have rare and difficult diseases. The risks of surgery are very high, and there's a good chance they might die on the operating table. So many hospitals refuse to admit critically ill patients because no doctor wants to take that risk, afraid of being sued or facing other negative consequences from the family if the surgery fails. They fear resentment, even violence."

"But for the patient, it might be their last hope."

Gu Yan met Qi Xi's gaze. "Just like Wu Jianqiang. His case is simple, but the evidence is gone. The probability of losing is very high. He can't afford a lawyer, his emotions are unstable, and he has a history of attacking lawyers. There's probably no one else willing to represent him for free."

"We might be his last hope." Although it was a big decision, Gu Yan's tone was light. "Many doctors with a conscience are not only skilled but also compassionate. They are willing to take risks and accept patients with challenging conditions. After all, what if the surgery is successful?"

That was it!

From the moment she encountered this case, although her rational mind told her to stay away, something inside her urged her to continue. She didn't know how to describe this internal drive, but after hearing Gu Yan's words, she understood.

Gu Yan had articulated the feelings she couldn't express, illustrating them with a clear and relatable analogy.

Qi Xi looked at him and smiled. "At least as lawyers, we face less pressure than doctors. Even if we lose a case, our clients won't lose their lives. But for doctors, the consequences of a failed surgery can be fatal."

Gu Yan nodded in agreement. "It's good to be cautious and protect yourself. But if you let the fear of risk paralyze you, aren't you putting the cart before the horse? You can't avoid all beginnings just to avoid all endings."

His words were simple and straightforward, but they resonated deeply within Qi Xi, filling her with renewed determination and strength.

When she was alone, she felt uncertain and afraid. But now, with Gu Yan by her side, it was like watching a horror movie with a friend. The scary scenes were still there, but the fear was significantly diminished.

Then… let's give it a shot!


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