This novel was previously being translated and hosted on Novelbun, but after a long hiatus, we're thrilled to be picking up the reins! You can catch up on all the chapters so far over at Novelbun, and we'll also be uploading them here with the kind permission of the previous translator in the next few days. New chapters will be released at least twice a week, so get ready for the story to continue!

"Lawyer Cheng, have you figured out a payment plan for me?"

Lu Juan was clueless about what she was about to face. Cheng Junliang looked at the young woman before him and finally gathered his courage. Once again, he sincerely apologized for losing the original loan agreement.

"I will take responsibility for my mistake, Miss Lu. I also want to do my best to make it up to you. First of all, I won't charge you any fees for this loan dispute case. My supervising attorney and I have discussed it, and we won't be charging you either. So, we will represent you in this case for free. I will do my best to win the lawsuit and apply for enforcement. However, if we lose the case due to the lost original loan agreement, I will be responsible for compensating you the 120,000 yuan."

Lu Juan clearly wasn't interested in Cheng Junliang's apology, nor did she care about winning the lawsuit. Only when he mentioned taking responsibility for compensation did her expression soften.

"However, there are some things I think you should know beforehand." Cheng Junliang didn't hesitate any longer. He took out the recording of Pan Zhendong's infidelity and a copy of the lease agreement for the apartment Pan Zhendong rented for his mistress. He briefly described the facts of Pan Zhendong's betrayal.

Initially, Lu Juan's expression was quite calm, believing she could get the 120,000 yuan from Cheng Junliang. However, as the recording played, her face gradually darkened. When the recording ended, Qi Xi noticed Lu Juan's expression had turned ugly, her lips trembling slightly, and her eyes vacant.

Pale-faced, she seemed unable to process the information at once. After a moment of silence, she finally regained her composure and looked at Qi Xi with an unfocused gaze, as if searching for an answer. "How could he be with her... She's younger than me, but she's not as pretty. Why? Why?"

Cheng Junliang, Qi Xi, and Gu Yan didn't know the identity of the mistress, but Lu Juan clearly understood in an instant. She bit her lip so hard that blood began to surface.

Pan Zhendong's infidelity was an unprecedented blow to Lu Juan. Her eyes were red-rimmed, and unable to hold back any longer, she dialed Pan Zhendong's number.

"Pan Zhendong, damn you! You cheated on me and used my money to keep another woman! Are you even human?!"

Lu Juan was completely out of control, showering the other end of the phone with insults.

At first, Pan Zhendong tried to lie. Later, finding it impossible to cover up, he no longer bothered. He sounded like he had already grown tired of Lu Juan. "She may not be as pretty as you, but her personality is a hundred times better! She's sweet-talking and knows how to please me. She understands me, understands how hard it is for me to start a business as a man. She knows how to comfort me and admire me."

As Pan Zhendong fought back, he sounded righteous. "And you? When I encountered a little setback in my business, you did nothing but complain and argue with me at home. You didn't encourage me at all. Who succeeds in starting a business right away? You just don't think I'm good enough, you look down on me. That's why, when I faced a small obstacle, you told me to find a factory job. Don't you think I'm incapable? You're so overbearing and not gentle at all. I've had enough of you. To be honest, I don't want to marry you. Now that we're not married yet, you're already like this. If I marry you, won't you walk over my head? Who would dare to marry a tigress like you?!"

Lu Juan's hand holding the phone trembled uncontrollably. "Didn't you say you were just stressed from starting your business and that's why we fought and broke up? Didn't you say you still wanted to reconcile with me and save money to get married quickly?"

Pan Zhendong, having been exposed, decided to show his true colors. "You believed that? Let me be honest with you, I will never marry you! Now that your loan agreement is lost, don't bother me anymore. Go ask that young lawyer for the money. I'm tired of humoring you!"

Pan Zhendong hung up the phone without waiting for Lu Juan's response. Lu Juan listened to the dial tone on the other end, her face filled with bewilderment and helplessness.

It took her a long time to process her emotions before pain and despair finally surfaced.

"He can't do this to me… he can't…" she choked out, finally breaking down into heartbroken sobs.

Qi Xi and Gu Yan exchanged glances. As expected, their earlier speculations were spot on. Lu Juan had indeed conspired with Pan Zhendong, intending to shift the burden of the 120,000 yuan debt onto Cheng Junliang, who had negligently lost the original loan agreement.

Lu Juan's emotions completely crumbled. "I... I never looked down on him. I was just concerned about him, wanting to spend the rest of my life with him, that's why I cared so much about his work, his entrepreneurial progress. It's because I wanted to build a family with him, have children in the future. I hoped he would have a more stable job to ensure a solid financial foundation for raising our children…"

Her words were filled with immense grievance and bitterness. "When we were dating, especially in the beginning, I didn't care about his career prospects because I never thought about the long term. I didn't care what he did, and I never nagged him about these things. Now that I think about it, back then, he often praised me for being understanding, considerate, and gentle. But then..."

Qi Xi could guess what happened next. Lu Juan must have become increasingly invested in Pan Zhendong, wanting a future with him. As a result, she started to have higher expectations of his work and other aspects of his life. Naturally, conflicts arose.

Some men remain immature even as they age. They can be lovey-dovey with their girlfriends but flee at the mere mention of marriage or responsibility. They quickly distance themselves, claiming they've suddenly fallen out of love.

Pan Zhendong was such a typical irresponsible man who yearned for freedom without any burdens. Consequently, as soon as Lu Juan started having expectations and setting boundaries, he felt restricted and began to see her as a nag, losing his affection and seeking a replacement who would idolize him without question.

Men like him needed brainless women who worshiped them or cunning women who pretended to do so for financial gain, not someone who sought a stable and committed relationship.

Lu Juan was still crying, but by now, Qi Xi understood that their alliance had crumbled.


Having made such a scene, Lu Juan was now embarrassed facing Qi Xi, Gu Yan, and Cheng Junliang. "Lawyer Cheng..."

Pan Zhendong's roaring voice had been loud enough for Cheng Junliang to hear everything. Lu Juan lowered her head. "Let's forget about this case. I was blinded by greed. I apologize. If it weren't for you, I would still be kept in the dark while he's out there with someone else..."

Lu Juan had been around the block. Her attempt to blackmail Cheng Junliang was a calculated move. It was impossible for her to suddenly realize her mistake and feel genuinely remorseful. Her current words stemmed from her survival instincts.

Pan Zhendong's betrayal had dealt a significant blow to her emotions. Consumed by anger and a desire for revenge, she immediately changed tactics and decided to cooperate with Cheng Junliang and the others. It was a shrewd and pragmatic decision.

Nevertheless, even if Lu Juan's apology wasn't entirely sincere and carried ulterior motives, at least things were moving in the direction Qi Xi and the others had hoped for.

Moreover, Cheng Junliang had made a genuine mistake at work by losing the original loan agreement. As a fellow woman, Qi Xi felt it was time for her to step up. She took Lu Juan's hand and offered a face-saving solution. "Cheng Junliang will still take responsibility for his part. He will represent you for free, and we will all help you. However, we need your cooperation."

Gu Yan, who had been silent, finally spoke up. "Although the original document is lost, as long as you can provide other evidence to prove the existence of this loan and cooperate with us to obtain bank transfer records, the court will recognize the loan."

"I have evidence." This time, Lu Juan finally told the truth. "I repaired my old phone before, and Pan Zhendong thought all our chat records were gone. But actually, I backed them up a long time ago. In the chat records, it's clear that he admitted this was a loan."

At this point, Lu Juan skillfully feigned shame. "I'm sorry. I kept this from you before and didn't provide this evidence. It was my own dishonesty that led to me being played. I deserve it."

Whether Lu Juan had genuinely learned her lesson or was simply putting on an act didn't matter. The important thing was that they could move past this and put on a united front.


In the end, Cheng Junliang's sincere apology earned Lu Juan's forgiveness. Lu Juan, at least verbally, admitted her mistake to Cheng Junliang and cooperated by submitting evidence to prove the loan.

Qi Xi looked it over. With Lu Juan's evidence, although the original was lost, it was sufficient to establish the existence of a loan relationship between Lu Juan and Pan Zhendong. Cheng Junliang should have no problem winning this case.

Whether it was Lu Juan's case or Cheng Junliang's predicament, both had finally reached a satisfactory resolution.

"Gu Yan, Qi Xi, thank you so much for your help. I don't know what I would have done without you." Relieved that the matter had been resolved, Cheng Junliang's face finally relaxed. "Not only did you save me from a 120,000 yuan debt, but you also saved my career. You saved my life. You've helped me so much and didn't even charge me a penny. At the very least, let me treat you to a meal. It's rare for us to get together after graduation."

Qi Xi was also delighted that the matter had been settled smoothly and quickly agreed to Cheng Junliang's proposal. Naturally, Gu Yan had no objections. So, the three of them found a nearby Cantonese restaurant, deciding to celebrate.

Although Qi Xi and Gu Yan insisted on a casual meal, Cheng Junliang, to express his sincerity, chose a relatively upscale Cantonese restaurant. "Don't worry about saving money for me. They say you have to learn to spend money before you can learn to make money. You spend, and I'll be even more determined to earn."

In high spirits, Cheng Junliang ordered some alcohol and insisted that Qi Xi and Gu Yan have a toast with him. Perhaps it was the joy of the occasion, but after several rounds with Qi Xi and Gu Yan, Cheng Junliang, who usually didn't drink much, found himself tipsy.

His face flushed, he became more talkative than usual, pulling Qi Xi aside to ramble about his aspirations and plans for the future. He even went into detail about when he would repay the money he borrowed from classmates, leaving nothing out.

Qi Xi knew that Cheng Junliang was mostly just a little drunk and meant no harm. So, although she felt a little uncomfortable being cornered and spoken to at such close proximity, she didn't want to be rude. Fortunately, Gu Yan, who usually didn't drink much either, perhaps caught up in the celebratory mood, pulled Cheng Junliang aside for another round, rescuing Qi Xi from her awkward situation.

However, Cheng Junliang's topic shifted when he found himself with Gu Yan. He began to reminisce about their university days, rambling on about their dorm mates' career paths and current situations. Finally, he mentioned Zhang Jialiang.

"By the way, Gu Yan, why did you drag Zhang Jialiang into the men's restroom and beat him up on graduation day? I heard you hit him pretty hard. Zhang Jialiang's face was covered in bruises afterward."

Cheng Junliang was clearly drunk, his words slightly slurred, but his gossip spirit remained strong. "I heard you ended up paying for his medical bills. Zhang Jialiang wanted to go back to his hometown anyway, so in the end, he decided not to pursue the matter further. You didn't seem to have any major problems with him before. Why did you suddenly make such a big fuss? You beat him up that badly?"

Cheng Junliang hiccuped. "You were too impulsive. No matter what happened, you shouldn't have done that. What if Zhang Jialiang holds a grudge against you? It might affect your future. Besides, after beating him up and paying so much for medical expenses, didn't you just waste a bunch of money?"

Although Cheng Junliang's words were spoken unintentionally under the influence of alcohol, Qi Xi was taken aback. The amount of information packed into his words was overwhelming. It took her a moment to process everything.

After the graduation ceremony, unable to find Gu Yan to apologize, Qi Xi had stopped Zhang Jialiang and confirmed he was indeed the instigator. Qi Xi had even called the police, but due to insufficient evidence, the police couldn't file a case. At that time, Qi Xi was furious and wanted to confront Zhang Jialiang again, at least make him understand the severity of his actions and ensure he wouldn't harass any other woman in the future.

However, strangely enough, Qi Xi couldn't find either Gu Yan or Zhang Jialiang that day. So… could it be…

Could it be that the reason she couldn't find either of them was that Gu Yan had dragged Zhang Jialiang into the men's restroom and beaten him up?

Qi Xi couldn't help but stare at Gu Yan in astonishment. Gu Yan, who seemed like the model student was capable of violence? Qi Xi couldn't believe it.

Perhaps her gaze was too obvious because Gu Yan, seemingly annoyed, glared at Cheng Junliang. "Drink something to sober up and stop talking."

Unfortunately, drunk people lack reason. Instead of shutting up, Cheng Junliang continued, even more animated than before. He glanced at Gu Yan and then turned to Qi Xi. "By the way, what's going on between you two? I didn't dare ask before, but what was that scene at the graduation ceremony? Gu Yan, do you like Qi Xi? Qi Xi, why did you…"

Cheng Junliang paused, rubbing his forehead, perhaps feeling a headache coming on from the alcohol. However, he couldn't stop himself from gossiping. "You know what? Everyone's been talking about you two after graduation. Some say Gu Yan was heartbroken after his confession was rejected and took his anger out on the innocent bystander, Zhang Jialiang. Others say they saw Qi Xi's clarification and apology, claiming it was all a beautiful misunderstanding and that Gu Yan actually liked Zhang Jialiang. They say he beat Zhang Jialiang up out of love and hate…"


It was getting more and more ridiculous!

Although Cheng Junliang was drunk, Qi Xi felt the need to defend Gu Yan. "Don't listen to his nonsense. Zhang Jialiang is a jerk. Gu Yan must have been doing a public service by beating him up! He doesn't have feelings for Zhang Jialiang. Stop spreading such baseless rumors. You'll ruin Gu Yan's chances of finding a girlfriend!"

Cheng Junliang's eyes were already glazed over, but his gossip-loving soul pushed him to ask, "Then what about you and…"

Indignant, Qi Xi interrupted, "Gu Yan definitely doesn't like me! He doesn't have those kinds of feelings for me! It was all Zhang Jialiang's fault for making me misunderstand Gu Yan!"

Whether it was the mention of the incident again or something else, a strange expression crossed Gu Yan's face – a mixture of displeasure and helplessness that Qi Xi couldn't quite decipher.

Soon enough, Cheng Junliang, unable to fight the effects of the alcohol, covered his mouth and rushed to the restroom to throw up, leaving Qi Xi and Gu Yan alone at the table.

For some reason, Qi Xi felt her heart race whenever she was alone with Gu Yan outside of work. Maybe it was the alcohol.

Qi Xi tried to shake off the feeling and reached for her glass, wanting another sip. However, just as the glass reached her lips, Gu Yan took it away. He placed something else in her hand.

Looking down, she saw a yogurt drink.

Gu Yan appeared calm. He placed the yogurt in her hand and poured himself some tea, as if nothing had happened. Meeting Qi Xi's gaze, he explained, "Don't drink anymore." He glanced in the direction of the restroom. "You don't want to end up like Cheng Junliang, do you?"

"Drink some yogurt. It can help protect your stomach from the alcohol."

Perhaps it was the alcohol, but Gu Yan's face was also slightly flushed. He glanced at Qi Xi and then looked away, explaining as if mustering his courage, "Cheng Junliang is completely wasted. I'll have to take him home later. I don't want you to be drunk too. It'll be a lot of work for me to take both of you home one after the other."

He had a point.

Qi Xi didn't dare to drink anymore and obediently picked up the yogurt. However, the straw was determined to test her patience. Qi Xi tried several times, but couldn't insert it.

Finally, Gu Yan, looking as if he couldn't bear to watch any longer, snatched the yogurt from Qi Xi's hand, effortlessly inserted the straw, and handed it back to her.

However, before Qi Xi could even take a few sips, Gu Yan, for some unknown reason, had another request. He looked at her intently. "Switch seats with me."


Qi Xi thought she had misheard.

But Gu Yan was adamant. "Switch seats."

Perhaps it was the alcohol, but Qi Xi's reactions were a little slow. For some reason, she felt safe following Gu Yan's instructions. So, without overthinking it, she stood up obediently and switched seats with him.

Is there some sort of feng shui associated with the seats?

Qi Xi sat in Gu Yan's seat but didn't feel any different.

Cheng Junliang, who knew what he was doing in the restroom, still hadn't returned.

Qi Xi looked at Gu Yan, feeling a little nervous and awkward. She picked up some food, trying to make conversation, but also a little curious. "Were you really angry back then?"

"What?" Gu Yan looked up, confused.

"You know, at the graduation ceremony, when I wrongly accused you."

Qi Xi bit her lip and apologized again. "I'm sorry, Gu Yan. I was too impulsive at the time. You didn't even confront me or demand an apology. I thought you were being incredibly generous and didn't mind what happened. I didn't know you actually confronted Zhang Jialiang and beat him up."

The fact that Gu Yan resorted to violence showed how furious he must have been at the time. It also made Qi Xi realize once again the extent of her actions' impact on him. Otherwise, he wouldn't have risked potential repercussions from Zhang Jialiang to do such a thing.

However, contrary to her expectations, Gu Yan paused for a moment and denied her assumption. He pursed his lips slightly. "I didn't hit Zhang Jialiang because of what happened between us."

Gu Yan lowered his gaze, staring at his plate as if it held the answers to the universe. After a moment of silence, he added, "I was indeed incredibly angry when I hit him, but it was for another reason."

Qi Xi stared at Gu Yan, her expression urging him to elaborate.

Unfortunately, Gu Yan didn't continue. He looked up at Qi Xi. "That reason… I don't want to talk about it." He looked away, his voice softening. "It's… my secret."

Fine, fine. Everyone has secrets.

Qi Xi understood and didn't pry further. However, she couldn't help but feel the need to treat Gu Yan even better in the future.

Perhaps it was because of the graduation ceremony incident, but lately, Qi Xi found herself wanting to be good to Gu Yan. Even though Gu Xuehan had stopped pursuing the matter and Gu Yan hadn't brought it up again, she couldn't help but try to make it up to him.

As Qi Xi's thoughts wandered, a sharp voice from the table behind them interrupted her.

"I'm breaking up with you! You trash! You don't treat me well at all! Every time you ask me out, it's just for that! Today, after we slept for the whole afternoon together, you took me out for dinner, and you wouldn't even let me order a few decent dishes! I'm feeling under the weather, and you just stuff your face without any regard for me!"

The girl's voice was thick with tears, followed by the boy's exasperated retort. "Can you stop embarrassing yourself? Why are you bringing up what happened in private? Are you saying I'm the only one who enjoyed it? If you don't want to, then don't agree to meet up! Isn't this what boyfriends and girlfriends do? Should I be finding a prostitute instead? Stop reading those novels and watching those dramas! All that 'treating your girlfriend like a princess' crap is fake! In the real world, which girl is as delicate and spoiled as you? Which guy is as attentive as those in the dramas? Can you be a little more realistic? I give you money every month, don't I?"

The couple was sitting right behind Qi Xi and Gu Yan. Even if Qi Xi didn't want to eavesdrop on their private conversation, she couldn't help but overhear.

The argument, initially unrelated to Qi Xi, somehow took a turn and involved her.

The girl was fuming. She slammed her hand on the table and stood up. "Who says there aren't any caring and attentive boyfriends in real life? Look right in front of you!" She pointed at Qi Xi and Gu Yan. "That guy, that's how you treat your girlfriend! The girl wanted to drink alcohol, and he gave her yogurt instead. When she couldn't get the straw in because she's a little spoiled, her boyfriend didn't get annoyed, he patiently helped her! Earlier, someone was smoking at the table next to them, and the girl's seat was directly downwind. The guy immediately switched seats with her so she wouldn't have to breathe in the secondhand smoke."

Qi Xi didn't pay attention to what the couple argued about next. She was stunned.

So, the seat change…

Qi Xi couldn't help but look at Gu Yan.

The corners of Gu Yan's lips were flat as he explained, "Don't listen to their nonsense. I just felt a little stuffy where I was sitting. Your seat was downwind and had better air circulation."

Gu Yan avoided her gaze and deliberately changed the subject. "Where's Cheng Junliang? I'll go check on him."

He quickly got up and walked towards the restroom, leaving Qi Xi speechless.

What did she mean, "couldn't get the straw in because she's a little spoiled"? That was slander! She wasn't being spoiled; she really couldn't get the straw in!

The more Qi Xi thought about it, the more aggrieved she felt. She grabbed another yogurt drink from the table, determined to have another one.

However, as if luck wasn't on her side today, she struggled to insert the straw again, to no avail.

Just then, someone took the yogurt from her hand once more, effortlessly inserted the straw, and handed it back to her.


Qi Xi looked up to see Gu Yan, back from checking on Cheng Junliang, standing before her. He took a sip of tea, his gaze seemingly not on her. If it weren't for his familiar voice, Qi Xi would have thought she had imagined it.

Qi Xi felt a surge of defiance. So what if she was spoiled? Was it a crime? What was wrong with being a little spoiled?


After throwing up, Cheng Junliang seemed much more sober. He insisted on paying the bill, while Qi Xi and Gu Yan stayed behind to pack the excessive amount of food he had enthusiastically ordered but barely touched.

By the time they finished packing, they realized they had six takeout boxes. Gu Yan couldn't carry them all by himself. He glanced at Qi Xi. "Help me carry some."

The boxes weren't heavy, and Qi Xi had every intention of helping. However, remembering Gu Yan's "attack" on her being spoiled, she retorted playfully, "But I'm spoiled, remember? My hands have automatically stopped working because of my spoiled nature."

She was just messing with him. As she reached out to grab some boxes, Gu Yan stopped her. He placed all the boxes back on the table and took a napkin. Before Qi Xi could react, he gently wiped her mouth with it.

Caught off guard, Qi Xi stared blankly at Gu Yan even after he moved his hand away. Her reactions might have been slow, but the feelings in her heart were not. Her face flushed.

She glared at Gu Yan. "What was that for?"

"Wiping your mouth. You had yogurt on it," Gu Yan replied calmly.

Qi Xi raised her voice slightly, trying to sound imposing. "I have hands, you know!"

Gu Yan remained nonchalant. His cheeks were still slightly flushed, perhaps from the alcohol. He glanced at her. "Didn't your hands stop working because you're spoiled?"

He then picked up all six takeout containers, walked towards Cheng Junliang, who was paying the bill, and left Qi Xi speechless once again.

Why did it feel like, despite Gu Yan's seemingly kind gesture of helping her, she was the one being teased?


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Jul 22, 2024

Thanks for picking this up !