Even amidst her busy schedule, Shi Luoyi didn't forget to remind Huixiang, "Immortal and human weddings are different. Bian Lingyu is mortal, so we will hold a human wedding. His health is still poor, so keep the rituals simple. Don't let him be too tired that day."

Huixiang sighed inwardly, "Yes, miss."

Shi Luoyi could have discussed these matters with Bian Lingyu herself. However, mortal wedding customs forbade the bride from seeing the groom before the ceremony.

Since she had decided to make everything according to Bian Lingyu's comfort, she was determined to follow the customs properly.

Shi Luoyi continued to say while making cranes, "Don't let him lack anything. See what else is available on Buye Mountain. My father and mother left me many things; move them all to Bian Lingyu. He has no parents now, so having some possessions might give him some peace of mind."

Huixiang nodded.

"Oh, and tell the ugly-looking spirits to stay out of his sight. They should stay put in their caves these days. No one is allowed to say unpleasant words or gossip about his leg. Anyone who dares to bully him will be dragged to the bottom of the Chaos Cliff and locked up for fifty years."

"..." Huixiang knew that she was very generous and protective of her people, but she never imagined such protectiveness would be directed at Bian Lingyu. Shi Luoyi hadn't slept a wink in days, yet she was worried about Bian Lingyu's fatigue and even had the heart to let people make preparations that fit Bian Lingyu's heart.

That day, Huixiang diligently carried out Shi Luoyi's instructions. They didn't know much about the rules of marriage in the mortal world, and they went to the foot of the mountain to find a matchmaker. Shi Luoyi specially asked her to ask Ah Xiu if she wanted to come.

Upon hearing the news, Ah Xiu felt a little bitter, but she was also happy for them from the bottom of her heart. She knew that the man had got what he wanted. Remembering the straw raincoat Shi Luoyi had draped over her that day, she felt relieved.

The immortal is so kind, she will surely treat him well.

Ah Xiu smiled, "I'd better not go. Please send my blessings to the Immortal on my behalf."

After doing all this, Huixiang went to the Buye Mountain's storehouse and presented Bian Lingyu with the gifts Princess Wan Xun had prepared for Shi Luoyi's husband.

Bian Lingyu, who was crafting bamboo figures in the back mountain, glanced at the storehouse key and said coldly to Huixiang, "You keep it. I don't need it."

Huixiang sighed, understanding that what he truly wanted wasn't these material possessions. However, anything more than that was simply wishful thinking.

Looking towards the horizon, Bian Lingyu sensed a storm brewing.

Shi Luoyi thought the sect master was the only obstacle, but there was someone else who didn't want her to return to Buye Mountain, and didn't want her to get married.

He lowered his gaze, dripped a drop of blood onto the countless bamboo figures, and whispered, "Go."

He still had the last Soul Cleansing Pill, which was just right for use.

On the eve of the Insects Awakening (Jingze), a peaceful atmosphere pervaded Buye Mountain, and a spring rain fell upon the mortal realm.

As Shi Luoyi sent out countless cranes, she remained unaware how the outside world was turned upside down because of her cranes.

In front of a tavern at the foot of Mingyou Mountain, a young woman in crimson had been drinking for two days straight. Large and small empty wine jars piled up on the ground, worrying the tavern owner, who feared she might drink herself to death.

He persuaded her several times, but he always got a cold "Get lost". Seeing the murderous intent in her eyes, the shop owner dared not utter another word.

Wei Changyuan walked in, braving the wind and rain, and immediately spotted Bian Qingxuan.

She was guzzling down mortal wine as if it were water, coldly watching an anthill collapsing under the relentless rain.

The ants struggled desperately against their fate, yet they were powerless to resist.

Wei Changyuan had never seen her like this, nor had he seen such a look in her eyes. He almost didn't recognize her for a moment. Frowning, he stepped forward and said, "Little Junior Sister, stop drinking. Why did you drink so much?"

Bian Qingxuan turned around, her eyes filled with an unfamiliar coldness as she asked, "Do you know Shi Luoyi is getting married?"

Wei Changyuan was silent for a moment, then nodded.

As the leading cultivator family, the Wei family had naturally received a crane invitation from Buye Mountain. However, the Patriarch Wei only sent congratulatory gifts and didn't plan to attend. Firstly, it would be awkward due to the previous engagement between the Wei family and Shi Luoyi. Secondly, it was inappropriate for them to attend a joyous occasion so soon after the recent passing of Wei Changyuan's mother.

Bian Qingxuan scrutinized his expression and, after a while, let out a sneer. "Are you heartbroken, Wei Changyuan? Perhaps I should give you a chance. Let loose your True Fire and burn down Buye Mountain. They won't be able to get married tomorrow."

Wei Changyuan's frown deepened.

He seemed not to recognize the Bian Qingxuan in front of him. In his memories, she was gentle, sweet, and always understanding. She was the kindest and most considerate person he knew. Despite her exceptional swordsmanship and talent, she chose to become a Dan cultivator to save people.

She never complained despite all the grievances she suffered. She cared for her fellow disciples and almost lost her arm to save a junior sister.

The Bian Qingxuan he knew would never laugh mockingly like this, her eyes filled with anger and irritability!

Despite her abnormality, Wei Changyuan still frowned and explained, "Little Junior Sister, you're drunk. Since I promised to marry you and treat you well, I naturally wouldn't think about Junior Sister Luoyi anymore."

Bian Qingxuan slapped the table with one hand, interrupting him. Her eyes reddened with fury, "Who cares! Wei Changyuan, you are a waste, you can't even hold onto a woman's heart!"

She burst into laughter. "You still think you like me? Save your breath, you probably deliberately forgot what you saw in the Untransformed Toad illusion. You knelt before your parents, begging them for Shi Luoyi. I saw it all!"

Wei Changyuan felt a chill run down his spine as he looked at her, his lips turning pale. "What are you talking about?"

"I'll be honest with you." Her expression turned scornful. "Nothing happened between us that day. It was all an illusion. I don't like you, never have."

Bian Qingxuan approached him, smiling maliciously: "Shi Luoyi never lied. In the past three years, every time, it was me who hurt her. I deliberately plucked her flowers and deliberately made her angry. And you, my dear Senior Brother, never disappointed me. You always took my side."

She watched with satisfaction as Wei Changyuan stood there, stunned, his eyes red-rimmed and his fingers trembling.

"What's wrong? Regretting it now?" She stood up with her arms crossed, looked him up and down and said coldly. "You still have a chance. Tomorrow is Jingzhe. She used to like you so much, it shouldn't be difficult for you to ruin her wedding."

"Little Junior sister, what exactly do you want to do?"

"You don't need to know what I want to do. Think it over carefully before dawn, there's still time."

With that, she waited for Wei Changyuan to attack her. However, despite his knuckles turning white from clenching his fists, he didn't draw his Qinghong sword. She let out a chuckle, tossed a spirit stone on the table, and walked out of the tavern into the storm.

Bian Qingxuan found a tree at the foot of Buye Mountain. She sat there, gazing up at the mountain, waiting for Wei Changyuan to make his choice.

She rested on the tree, her heart was in turmoil and her fragmented spiritual energy mirrored her gradually crumbling state of mind. Every step Shi Luoyi took nowadays filled her with burning resentment.

If it weren't for this, she wouldn't be forced to confront Wei Changyuan, and wouldn't have to push him to stop the wedding.

She thought that after knowing the truth, he would stab her with his sword, but Wei Changyuan did nothing. He looked at her with an unreadable silence, finally closed his eyes and didn't even utter a single curse.

At that moment, she might have felt a flicker of guilt towards him.

But now, Bian Qingxuan still didn't think she had done anything wrong.

She was coldly waiting, waiting for Wei Changyuan to be consumed by regret, waiting for him to go crazy and destroy Shi Luoyi's wedding. She would never allow Shi Luoyi and Bian Lingyu to get married, wouldn't allow them to ruin everything she had sacrificed to achieve.

She waited until the sky was about to brighten, until Jingzhe was upon them, but Wei Changyuan didn't make a move.

Bian Qingxuan's face was gloomy.

"Fool!" She was enraged. Even now, Wei Changyuan was still unwilling to hurt his beloved Junior Sister. He would rather let her go than heed her words and go to Buye Mountain to ruin the wedding.

She had underestimated the sense of righteousness in his heart, the integrity instilled in him by his upbringing.

She flew to the foot of Buye Mountain, took out the jade flute and put it to her lips.

She knew Shi Huan had sealed countless demonic beasts in the mountain. Since Wei Changyuan was unwilling to do it, she would do it herself.

If the beasts ran rampant, Shi Luoyi would be too occupied protecting the mountain to even think about getting married.

The sound of the glazed jade flute drifted towards Buye Mountain.

This was the second time Bian Qingxuan used a divine artifact in the mortal realm. Her red-gold pupils flickered in the night. Under the constraints of the Heavenly Dao, she could almost see tribulation lightning gathering in the sky. But she didn't care! After all, it wouldn't be enough to kill her, and if it dared to strike, it would obliterate Buye Mountain along with her!

Just as she was about to command the beasts to break free, countless bamboo figures sprang from the ground, quickly forming a formation. A golden cage rose from the ground, trapping her inside.

Bian Qingxuan was shocked. She tried to escape, but a bone spike shot through the air, piercing her abdomen and nailed her to the ground.

Bian Qingxuan was enraged to the extreme, coldness spread in her eyes, and she flung the jade flute in her hand. It broke through the golden cage, aiming straight for the person on the top of the mountain.

Bian Lingyu wanted to dodge, but if he moved, the bone spurs holding Bian Qingxuan would be recalled to defend him, allowing her to escape. He stood his ground, motionless, as the bone spike pierced his heart, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

At the same time, Bian Qingxuan in the cage was also firmly sealed by the bamboo figures.

Bian Qingxuan lay trapped, watching as Bian Lingyu walked down the mountain peak. Her voice was icy-cold. "You knew I would come?"

"Yes." Bian Lingyu looked down at her. "Stop this, Qingxuan. Don't forget, you owe her your life. She was the one who picked you up at that time."

"I didn't ask her to save me! Never!" She trembled. "I would rather die than live like this, without hope. Brother, listen to me, let's go home, alright? She's just a little cultivator, how can she be worthy of your divine pearl! You are the last true deity. Go back, merge with your divine soul, take back your power, and you will rule all six realms. You can have anything you want then. Don't you hate your mother and brother? Don't you want to kill them? I beg you, the Heavenly Dao won't allow the Divine Race to stay in the mortal realm forever. I don't want to die here, I want to go home."

Bian Lingyu's eyes remained unmoved.

"She owes you nothing. You want to go home, and so does she. Don't touch her again. When I die, I'll give you my bones. Refining my bones will be enough to break through the heavens. Then you can go back."

Seeing Bian Lingyu's figure walking further and further away, Bian Qingxuan looked at him, tears of blood flowing from the corners of her eyes.

A long time ago, she felt that Bian Lingyu was laughable.

The young god was harmed by his mother and brother. He was imprisoned when he was young and fell into the mortal world upon reaching adulthood. Yet, he still remembered to drag his broken body to kill the fallen heavenly beasts, upholding the Divine Race' mission, protecting all living beings.

He held no hatred, no resentment. Most of the gods were so cold-hearted.

He did not understand love at first and was easily deceived. He fell in love with a mere cultivator and was so stupid that he fed the divine pearl to the girl, which made him unable to maintain his divine form, turning him into a monster.

Now, Bian Qingxuan thought she was the laughable one.

She should have killed Shi Luoyi back in the Sea of Delusion when she first noticed Bian Lingyu's affections. Then none of this would have happened. She wouldn't have had to resort to such desperate measures, forcing Shi Luoyi towards the demonic path just to retrieve the divine pearl.

But ten years ago, the little red snake nestled in the girl's arms, and wanted to kill, to sink her fangs into Shi Luoyi's flesh several times. But every time her fangs touched Shi Luoyi's hand, the girl would smile and flick her head, sending her slithering back into hiding.

The three of them had journeyed through the Sea of Delusions and the desert. Shi Luoyi held the injured little red snake, followed by a dirty silver-white spiritual beast.

The beast's injuries could not be seen from its appearance. It could only trudge behind them. Because of its silence, it did not know how to act like a spoiled child and whine or whimper. It was obviously in great pain, but it did not even show weakness.

Back then, Bian Qingxuan had mocked the young deity's naiveté in her heart.

Now, she finally understood. It was she, the one who hesitated time and again, failed to act, and clung to Shi Luoyi's arms for that rare warmth, who was the true fool.

She looked at the Immortal Mountain from afar, and the immortal music resounded over there.

Bian Qingxuan knew she had lost. Perhaps she had already lost the moment she hesitantly withdrew her fangs from Shi Luoyi's hand.

The creatures of Buye Mountain were oblivious to the battle that had just taken place between two gods at their doorstep.

Ding Bai was startled to see Bian Lingyu coming back with a pale face. Earlier, he felt uneasy when the young master took the last soul-cleansing pill and stood up from the wheelchair.

Bian Lingyu glanced at him and frowned. "Not a word."

He went to change into his wedding attire. Today was Jingzhe, and it was his wedding with Shi Luoyi.

Bian Lingyu had been in the back mountain these past days. Now, as he pushed open the door, the fresh morning air washed over him.

The entire mountain was awash in red, a testament to the girl's efforts.

Bian Lingyu was silent. He knew that Shi Luoyi only wanted to take back the Buye Mountain and would not care much about this fake wedding. But even his wedding dress was just the right size. She gave him the best and most memorable experience within her ability.

Outside the house, the spirits were too afraid to approach the immortal palace. Only Shi Huan in the entire world tolerated their presence. Huddled together in the courtyard, they chirped as the matchmaker and bridesmaids had taught them, "Congratulations on your wedding, young master! May you and the young lady enjoy a long, happy life together, and be blessed with a child soon!"

Most of them had not yet fully developed their spiritual wisdom and were very ignorant.

The squirrels chattered excitedly. "Young master, I want a little miss!"

"A little master would be nice too!"

"You have to work hard tonight, young master!"

Ding Bai blushed as he listened, "Go, go, go, goblins are goblins, you have no shame!" How could they keep talking about such things so casually?

He hurriedly tilted his head to look at Bian Lingyu, lest he get annoyed. To his surprise, a faint smile graced his master's pale face for a rare moment.

It was very light, as gentle as a clear breeze under a bright moon.

It was the first time Ding Bai had ever seen him smile. Not just him, but all the spirits in the courtyard stared awestruck.

The fox spirit sheepishly stood behind the other spirits. Since he is in such a good mood, he won't blame me for not replacing the decorations and go to complain, right?

He went to the young lady earlier, describing how he only used decorations commonly available in the mortal realm. As he scolded and rattled on about Bian Lingyu's pickiness, Shi Luoyi paused in her crane-making and looked at him, bewildered. "What's wrong with that? But if Bian Lingyu really doesn't like the arrangements, then change them."

Yes, yes, yes, there is nothing wrong!

But if there is nothing wrong, why change anything? The fox thought to himself, they simply don't understand the beauty and benefits of my choices. Later, when they get the fun, it wouldn't be too late to thank this Lord Fox!


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