You Have the Right to Keep a Secret Love Chapters List

Chapter 20: Does Gu Yan Even Like Heavy Metal?

“Heavy metal, simply put, is rock music played with a bit more force than usual. The guitar, as the main element of this music, is played louder and with a greater sense of vengeance.”

“Previously, only in jazz was the bass considered a main instrument, but in heavy metal, the bass has become as important as the vocals. Compared to ordinary pop music, the drums are heavier and faster, which creates an impact on the listener. Finally, the vocalist—they let the audience experience the emotions and feelings of death, sex, psychedelic drugs or alcohol, and other new things, and make the themes that have appeared in pop music seem more real and believable, perhaps even more terrifying.”

Hiding in her rented apartment, Qi Xi recited the definition and origins of heavy metal from Baidu Encyclopedia, her head spinning. What in the world was all of this?!

Even when studying for the bar exam and memorizing legal articles, Qi Xi had never felt such a headache.

Who could tell her, besides heavy metal, why there was also black metal, and within black metal, there were multiple subgenres, such as depressive black metal, blackened death metal; and besides black metal, there were also glam metal, industrial metal, and many other derivatives…

Although Qi Xi had read through it all, she hadn’t successfully understood any of it.

Finally, after burning the midnight oil, Qi Xi barely managed to become an expert in the superficial theory of heavy metal rock music through an all-nighter crash course. She figured that as long as the conversation didn’t go too deep, she wouldn't be exposed.

The next day, Qi Xi arrived at the agreed-upon rock venue to meet Gu Yan, armed with her newfound confidence in this knowledge and heavy dark circles under her eyes.

She had initially wanted to demonstrate her sincerity by arriving at the meeting point first and waiting for Gu Yan. Worried about traffic, she arrived almost half an hour earlier than their agreed time.

However, Qi Xi never expected that even though she arrived so early, Gu Yan was already waiting there.

He saw Qi Xi and was clearly taken aback: “Why are you here so early?”

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” Qi Xi glanced at her watch, confirming she wasn’t mistaken. "Didn’t we agree to meet in half an hour?"

Gu Yan cleared his throat and looked at a nearby billboard, appearing quite composed: "Oh, I happened to be passing by for some work, and I didn't expect things to finish so quickly, so I arrived a bit early."

Qi Xi was a little curious: "What kind of work?"

Normally, as classmates and now colleagues, Qi Xi's polite inquiry was considered a normal part of social interaction, similar to "Have you eaten yet?" It was generally used as a conversation starter, and in this situation, Gu Yan only needed to give a polite response.

Qi Xi didn't really expect to know what Gu Yan was busy with, nor did she really care. However, she didn't expect Gu Yan to react to this question as if facing a formidable enemy. He froze for a long time before inexplicably emphasizing, "It's something, anyway."

He glanced at Qi Xi and added, "That's why I'm early."

After speaking, Gu Yan looked at Qi Xi again, cleared his throat, and asked, "What about you? Why are you so early?"

"I was afraid of traffic and wanted to arrive early. I didn't expect the roads to be so clear today, so I arrived much earlier…" Qi Xi finished speaking and couldn't help but yawn.

She had stayed up all night, and the aftereffects were hitting her hard. The concert wouldn't start until the afternoon, and now, bathed in the warm afternoon sunlight, Qi Xi felt drowsy.

However, she noticed that she had two prominent dark circles under her eyes, and Gu Yan was no better. Under his fair eyelids were two equally noticeable dark circles.

During school, Qi Xi often stayed up late for last-minute cramming before exams, so dark circles were a common occurrence for her. But Gu Yan…

In her impression, Gu Yan never stayed up late. His schedule was as regular as clockwork. Qi Xi used to hate Gu Yan's composure because it seemed like he always achieved first place effortlessly.


But now, these two dreadful dark circles on Gu Yan's face…

Because of his fair skin, these dark circles were so obvious that they were impossible to ignore, making him look like a handsome panda in need of cherishing and protection.

Just how late did he stay up last night?

Was there actually something in this world worth Gu Yan staying up all night for?

Logically speaking, the cases Gu Yan was currently handling shouldn't require him to work overtime all night… So could it be studying? Did he spend half the night reading case files and summarizing case-handling manuals?

Qi Xi secretly observed Gu Yan, her heart filled with a sense of urgency and competitiveness. After all, she was on the same team as Gu Yan, they graduated from the same school, and her current boss was Gu Yan's older sister. If Gu Yan was far superior to her, the gap would be very apparent…

Regarding the topic of staying up late, it was Gu Yan who spoke first, voicing Qi Xi's thoughts: "Did you stay up late last night? Why are your dark circles so heavy? Don't you have less work recently?"

Qi Xi chuckled awkwardly and lied, "I… I was so excited about listening to heavy metal today that I couldn't sleep…" She looked at Gu Yan. "What about you? Your dark circles are quite obvious too."

Gu Yan pursed his lips and said calmly, "Oh, I was also quite excited."

Looking at Gu Yan's calm demeanor and expressionless face, Qi Xi couldn't help but sigh inwardly again. Could this be the composure of someone who accomplished great things?

Gu Yan, on the surface, showed no indication of how much he looked forward to this heavy metal concert, even frequently glancing at the entrance of another venue hosting a ball game. But in reality, he was so excited that he stayed up all night?

However, Qi Xi was still a little concerned about Gu Yan's glances towards the ball game entrance. She casually asked, "Do you want to watch the game?"

Gu Yan had been looking at it when Qi Xi didn't ask, but the moment she did, he immediately withdrew his gaze and refuted righteously, "Oh, no, I prefer heavy metal."

That's right, the "The Complete Gu Yan" stated that Gu Yan liked niche things and disdained the vulgar hobbies of ordinary men, such as ball games.

However, Qi Xi checked the time. Because they both arrived too early, there was still some time before the concert started. Rather than waiting idly at the venue entrance, it was better to find a cafe and have a drink.

Qi Xi immediately made an enthusiastic invitation: "There's a nice dessert and drink shop nearby, I'll take you there!"

This dessert shop was owned by a Frenchman, said to be a former Michelin chef. The taste was authentic, so the price wasn't exactly affordable, but because of its quality, business was good. It was mostly frequented by couples and influencers checking in.

The "The Complete Gu Yan" mentioned that Gu Yan loved sweets, and Qi Xi felt that this choice should be right up his alley.

Although Qi Xi couldn't understand the appeal of heavy metal, she completely agreed with the beauty of desserts. Almost as soon as they entered the dessert shop, Qi Xi couldn't take her eyes off the exquisite macarons and various desserts displayed in the window.

After they sat down at their table and received the menu, Qi Xi's eyes lit up: "Wow! They have so many new items! This sakura pudding, this chocolate tart, and these new macaron flavors…"

She wanted to try everything…

But Qi Xi glanced at the prices, knowing she should only choose one. Although she had paid off her debt to Gu Yan, rent and daily expenses were still considerable. It was the experienced senior lawyers who earned the big bucks; intern lawyers like them didn't have high salaries. After deciding to stop asking her family for money to show her independence, Qi Xi had become very careful with her spending.

She wanted to eat it all, but she couldn't afford to buy everything.

"Have you decided?" Ordering and paying required going to the counter. Gu Yan looked at Qi Xi and said naturally, "Let me know when you've chosen, and I'll go pay." He lowered his gaze. "You already paid for the heavy metal concert tickets, so let me take care of the food today."

Qi Xi didn't stand on ceremony with Gu Yan. She stared at the menu, suffering from a severe case of decision fatigue, before finally making up her mind: "I'll have the sakura pudding and a mocha."

Gu Yan didn't say anything and went to queue up to pay.

Soon, the waiter brought over their desserts and drinks. Their table attracted the attention of several other couples – because Gu Yan had ordered almost every new item, and even some of the old ones…

The waiter made two trips just to bring over all the desserts, which then covered the entire table.

Every item in this dessert shop was exquisite, and every item was expensive. Ordering so much couldn't have been cheap…

Qi Xi looked at Gu Yan in disbelief. Although she knew from the "The Complete Gu Yan" that he liked sweets, she didn't expect him to like them this much. She had only ordered the sakura pudding, so did that mean Gu Yan had ordered the rest?

"You ordered this much?"

Gu Yan hummed in affirmation.

The one who pays is the boss. Since Gu Yan ordered it himself, Qi Xi didn't say anything more and obediently picked up her sakura pudding and mocha.

However, despite ordering so much, Gu Yan didn't eat much himself. He only ate one chestnut macaron, and even then, he frowned slightly. If Qi Xi didn't know he loved sweets, just by looking at him, she would have thought he was forcing himself to stomach the sweetness.

After finishing the macaron, Gu Yan stopped.

"Aren't you going to eat anymore?" Qi Xi glanced at the time. "We should finish quickly, otherwise, we'll be late for the concert."

Gu Yan didn't seem the least bit regretful. He glanced at the colorful and exquisite desserts on the table and said flatly, "Oh, I suddenly lost my appetite."

He looked at Qi Xi and briefly added, "I ate a bit too much at home before coming. I wanted to eat everything just now, but after having one, I realized I couldn't eat anymore."


Gu Yan looked at the table full of desserts. "But since I've already ordered and paid for it, and the concert is about to start, why don't you help me finish it?"

Qi Xi had no problem helping him finish the desserts, but… a gentleman doesn't take what others like.

"Do you want to pack some to take home? I can get you a takeaway box."

Unfortunately, Gu Yan didn't seem interested in Qi Xi's suggestion. He looked at her and said calmly, "My sister won't let me bring back so many desserts."


Qi Xi was surprised.

Gu Yan explained calmly, "Because she's trying to lose weight, and seeing desserts might make her lose control and ruin all her efforts. If I bring some back, I'll face her wrath."

It seemed that every woman wasn't satisfied with her figure. Gu Xuehan already had such a good figure, but she was still trying to lose weight! It seemed that even the valiant Lawyer Gu was somewhat affected by the societal pressure on women's appearance and body image.


But Qi Xi wasn't afraid of getting fat for the sake of desserts!

Now that Gu Yan had said so, how could Qi Xi not comply?

Besides, Qi Xi's love for sweets meant that her stomach always had room for them.

She declared heroically and selflessly, "If Attorney Gu can't handle the calories, then let me do it for her! Consider it sharing the burden for the boss!"

Ignoring Gu Yan's speechless expression, Qi Xi began to devour the desserts.

As she ate, she thought about chatting with Gu Yan to get closer. After some consideration, she decided to use their upcoming heavy metal concert as an icebreaker: "Among all the subgenres of heavy metal, which one do you like?"

Thinking about all the memorization she did last night, Qi Xi was reluctant to let it go to waste. She wanted to use this opportunity to show Gu Yan their "shared interest."

However, before she could "show off," Gu Yan spoke first –

"Heavy metal actually has many styles, including black metal, industrial metal, death metal, and so on."

"In short, in heavy metal, the bass has become as important as the vocals. Compared to ordinary pop music, the drums are heavier and faster, which creates an impact on the listener. Finally, the vocalist—they let the audience experience the emotions and feelings of death, sex, psychedelic drugs or alcohol, and other new things, and make the themes that have appeared in pop music seem more real and believable, perhaps even more terrifying…"

At first, Qi Xi didn't notice anything unusual. But the more she listened, the more puzzled she became.

Gu Yan spoke eloquently, as if he had a deep understanding of heavy metal, like a true enthusiast. But…

But what he was saying now, wasn't it exactly what she had copied and memorized from Baidu Encyclopedia last night? It was word for word!

As a die-hard heavy metal fan, did Gu Yan also resort to memorizing Baidu Encyclopedia entries?

If he truly loved something, his understanding of heavy metal shouldn't be limited to the superficial information found on Baidu Encyclopedia, right?

Qi Xi was full of questions, but in the end, the sweetness of the desserts silenced her. As soon as the sweetness hit her taste buds, she forgot everything else around her.

Although Gu Yan was quite wasteful, the desserts he ordered were all the ones Qi Xi had hesitated to buy earlier. Now, thanks to Gu Yan's inability to finish them, Qi Xi had the opportunity to try all the new items in this dessert shop.

Leaving the dessert shop, Qi Xi felt genuinely happy.

However, this happiness was soon shattered after entering the concert venue and the heavy metal concert officially began –

Although she had done a lot of last-minute preparation last night, Qi Xi had not expected the heavy metal scene to be like this.

Noisy, chaotic, filled with messy elements, and exuding gloomy, irritable, and fragmented emotions.

Many fans were shouting and screaming, but Qi Xi couldn't sense their excitement and fanaticism at all. She only felt deafened. The stage lights were blinding, making it almost impossible for Qi Xi to keep her eyes open. Compared to her eyes, her ears suffered even more.

She turned to look at Gu Yan, wanting to know why he enjoyed this kind of music. However, she couldn't find any trace of intoxication or immersion on his face. He looked just as uncomfortable as she did, his slightly furrowed brows not at all indicative of someone enjoying the heavy metal performance.

As if possessed, a strange thought suddenly occurred to Qi Xi.

Could it be that Gu Yan… doesn’t actually like heavy metal…?


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